Fostering Happiness and Purpose
We believe that our care for the boys and girls at Milbourne Lodge is second to none.
We strive first and foremost for a happy and purposeful environment where children are encouraged to get involved in school life so that they can discover their own interests and passions.
Foundations of Support
There is a carefully structured pastoral system in place revolving around the pupil’s Form Tutor who is always the first port of call at school. The Form Tutors are overseen by our Deputy Head, who takes overall responsibility for ensuring that every child’s pastoral needs are met.
Our Deputy Head is also the Designated Safeguarding Lead for the whole school.
Join us for a personal tour
We warmly welcome families during term time, offering tailored personal tours on a day that suits you.
Enjoy an informative meeting with Mrs Waite, who will chat to you about your child and what Milbourne can do for them, and answer any questions you may have, followed by a guided tour of the school.
Commitment to Team Spirit and Community Engagement
We encourage a real team spirit at Milbourne so that each and every individual feels valued and respected. There is a strong community feel to the school which is promoted by regular Assemblies, School Council and involvement in House and Charity activities. Weekly Form Tutor meetings cover moral, social and citizenship issues appropriate to age.
Our PSHEE curriculum helps to underpin the core values of the school. We work hard to develop children’s inter-personal skills and there is a strong emphasis placed on good manners and consideration for others.
Begin an unforgettable adventure.
Children who join Milbourne Lodge develop their confidence and gain a genuine love for learning, putting them on the path to success.
4 - 5 yrs old
5 - 7 yrs old
7 - 9 yrs old
9 - 11 yrs old
11 - 13 yrs old