
Nurturing skills and confidence through music

Music is seen as an integral part of the curriculum at Milbourne Lodge. Learning to play and appreciate music can encourage participation, teamwork, and a sense of group identity as well as increasing creativity.

Music develops the children’s ability to understand themselves and relate to others, thus promoting self-confidence and social skills. It can also support learning in other subject areas. The ability to listen and concentrate and the facility for self-expression are useful life skills.

A comprehensive approach to music education

The teaching of music in class is primarily aimed at developing the children’s understanding and appreciation of the subject. Pupils’ natural musicianship skills are developed and honed through singing and aural work (to develop musical memory, the inner ear and a true sense of pitch), use of classroom percussion (to develop a sense of rhythm and pulse) and through exploring the four main pillars of the music curriculum: performing, composing, listening and appraising.

All pupils are taught to sing and to play tuned and un-tuned percussion and are introduced to the basics of music theory in class. They also undertake a comprehensive project on ‘The Orchestra’ in class. Many of them then go on to take up an orchestral instrument as a result.

Music at Milbourne is lively, fun, and busier than ever, with around 140 instrumental lessons taking place each week alongside the regular class music lessons, ensembles, and choirs! We have various performance opportunities through the year including our wonderful termly teatime concerts, Carol Services, Spring Concert and Summer Senior Musical which takes place at Esher Theatre.

– Director of Music at Milbourne Lodge

Diverse instrumental tuition

We have a team of peripatetic music staff who offer tuition on a range of instruments including: flute, saxophone, clarinet, guitar, oboe, violin, cello, trumpet, piano, percussion and recorder. Individual theory of music and singing lessons are also available. Lessons are mostly during the lunch-hour, games time or after school.

All pupils learning an instrument have the chance to perform in various school music ensembles such as the Concert Band and String Ensemble.

Join us for a personal tour

We warmly welcome families during term time, offering tailored personal tours on a day that suits you.

Enjoy an informative meeting with Mrs Waite, who will chat to you about your child and what Milbourne can do for them, and answer any questions you may have, followed by a guided tour of the school.

Unleashing creativity

Apart from instrumental tuition at Milbourne we offer fun and innovative after-school extra-curricular activities in the field of Music Technology. M:Tech is a creative composition course in which children create exciting music using the latest music technologies. The course is available to children age 7 – 13 in the Prep and is suitable for all levels of musical ability.

There are many opportunities to get involved with Music at Milbourne:
Concert Band and String Ensemble
Junior Choir
String Quartet
Senior Choir
Chamber Choir

Musical achievement

There are musical events each term, including the Carol Concert in the Autumn Term, the Spring Term Showcase Concert and the Year 7 and 8 musical at Esher Theatre in the Summer Term. The musical ensembles and individual instrumentalists also perform at the Dickensian Evening and the Summer Show.

The school also has a thriving choral department and pupils are encouraged to join either the Junior or Senior choir. These choirs participate in various concerts and events, to which all parents are welcome.

Children with outstanding musical talent have the opportunity to try for Music Scholarships and numerous music awards have been won to many of the major independent senior schools.

Begin an unforgettable adventure.

Children who join Milbourne Lodge develop their confidence and gain a genuine love for learning, putting them on the path to success.


4 - 5 yrs old


5 - 7 yrs old


7 - 9 yrs old


9 - 11 yrs old


11 - 13 yrs old

Milbourne Lodge School

Enquiries :01372 462737