Teaching Art & IT in a unique and holistic way
At Milbourne Lodge we believe that Art & IT are essential elements of a balanced and rounded education.
By working with an ambitious and rich curriculum, that is grounded in wellbeing, we set aspirational creative targets. Combining the strength of both subjects our pupils achieve outstanding results.
We are committed to helping our girls and boys experience, value and enjoy these lessons as a means of communication and creative expression.
Combining our strengths in Art & IT
We have developed a unique way of inspiring our pupils. Living in a world that is constantly changing we strive to embrace these innovations. Although our lessons are taught separately, we plan and work closely together to deliver joint outcomes.
A new theme is chosen each year, deliberately very different from the last. Examples include ‘It’s a Wild World’, ‘Shoes’, ‘Sport’, ‘Money Can’t Buy’, ‘Numbers’, ‘The Secret Garden’ and ‘Portmeirion’.
A strong emphasis on wellbeing is nurtured in both our departments. We have recently developed and built our own Outdoor Learning Area at Milbourne Lodge which allows us to focus strongly on nature and the benefits of learning outside.